Life Teen

Life Teen is a program focused on leading teens closer to Christ. We aim to educate the teens while helping them to grow closer to God.

We are the catechism class for Faith Level 8-11 and provide all necessary preparation for confirmation.

Our format is as follows:


  • We start the night off with a prayer and often a game.


  • A facilitator presents the teaching for the week, drawing from their own life experiences, the Catechism of the Catholic Church and most importantly the bible.


  • This is a time when teens split into groups of 8-10 along with a facilitator to discuss the matters arising in the proclaim to gain a deeper understanding of the content.


  • This is the final section of the Life Night where teens engage in guided prayer and reflection.

Hot Chocolate and go home

  • During winter we provide hot chocolate and bunny licks in summer. This is a time for teens to chat and also approach facilitators with questions or just tell us about their week.


Important Information

Parents are requested to please drop and collect their teen within the church premises. Teens are not allowed out until parents are visible within the grounds.

Please bring along your own mug for hot chocolate/cup for juice in summer.