The year of St Joseph

Meditation on
The Seven Sorrows and Seven Joys of Saint Joseph

Adapted from: Catholic Prayers by Catholic Culture
Marians of the Immaculate Conception
Oblates of St. Joseph

The Seven Sorrows and Seven Joys each stem from seven powerful
moments in St. Joseph’s life. This devotion’s origin is traced to an incident
involving two Franciscan priests traveling in a ship along the Belgium coast.
A storm hit, and the ship was sunk. For three days and three nights, the two
priests clung to a plank and prayed to St. Joseph. Then, at one point, in
youthful form, the spouse of the Virgin Mary and foster father of Jesus
Christ appeared to the priests, guided them to safety, and taught them the
practice of reciting seven Our Fathers and seven Hail Marys in honor of his
Seven Sorrows and Seven Joys.

Recite one Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be with each section

1. His Doubts about Mary & The Angel’s Message of Joy

Leader: Saint Joseph, chaste spouse of Mary, great was your SORROW
when, in a state of uncertainty, you were inclined to quietly divorce Mary.
But great was your JOY when the angel revealed to you the mystery of
Christ’s Incarnation and you realized that you would be the guardian of the

All: Our Father, etc… Help us St. Joseph, help our families and all our loved
ones to overcome anxieties about their doubts and their futures and to
overcome all sadness of heart and develop an absolute trust in God’s

2. His Pain at the Poverty of Jesus’s Birthplace & The Savior’s Birth

Leader: Glorious St. Joseph, faithful guardian of Jesus, great was your
SORROW when you thought yourself a failure when you could only provide
a stable for the birth of the Holy Child. But great was your JOY when you
experienced the wonder when shepherds came to tell of angel choirs, and
wise men came to adore the King of Kings.

All: Our Father, etc….. Through your example and prayers, help us St.
Joseph, and all we love, to become like sinless mangers where the Savior of
the world may be received with absolute love and respect, and that we be
blessed with the sweet peace of God and may join in the company of the
angels after our death.

3. Watching Jesus’ First Spilt Blood & The Honor of Naming Him

Leader: Glorious and tender-hearted St. Joseph, you faithfully followed the
law, and you, too, felt PAIN when the blood of Jesus was first shed at His
circumcision. But great was your JOY and how proud you were to be the
one privileged to give the name Jesus, Savior, to the very son of God.

All: Our Father, etc…… Pray for us St. Joseph, that the sacred blood of
Christ, poured out for our salvation, may guard our families, so the Divine
Name of Jesus may be written in our hearts forever.

4. Simeon’s Painful Prophetic Message & Jesus’ Redemptive Work

Leader: Most faithful St. Joseph, loving husband, great was your SORROW
when, at the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple, Simeon spoke the words
of prophecy that the hearts of Jesus and Mary would be pierced with
sorrows. But how great was your JOY when Simeon foretold that Jesus
would be the Light for the salvation of innumerable souls.

I invite you to the monthly Devotion of St Joseph on Tuesday, June 1, 7 pm, with Scalabrinian Father Gerardo Garcia, at Good Shepherd Catholic Church, Bothasig. Fr Gerardo will also speak to the topic “St Joseph the Refugee “. No prior booking is required. Live stream. CLICK HERE FOR LINK TO LIVE STREAM

Devotion of St St Joseph, Tuesday May 4, at 7pm. Live stream to the Archdiocese from Good Shepherd Catholic Church. Theme “Joseph the Worker”. Celebrant and speaker Deacon Arthur Johannes. CLICK HERE FOR LINK TO LIVE STREAM

Devotion to St Joseph with Bishop Sylvester David OMI

Pope Francis declared the Year of St Joseph, running from 8 December 2020 to 8 December 2021. This is a rare opportunity for us to focus on this great man who is often described as “standing in the shadows”. Joseph becomes our guide to visit the important moments of the life of Mary and the childhood of Jesus. Though operating in obscurity, Joseph leads us to a deeper understanding of Church, work, family, husband, fatherhood and prayer as we delve into some important aspects of his life. Every time we do we this have a refreshing encounter with who we are as Church in the world today. As this is also the Year of the Eucharist, Benediction forms an integral part of our devotions.

This year is an invitation by Pope Francis to celebrate St Joseph. It is an opportunity that the Church and the faithful should appropriate fully. Bishop Sylvester David OMI presents the second of the monthly reflections. It is titled: St Joseph in Scripture. It will be livestreamed to Christ the King Catholic Church Facebook page on 6 April 2021 from 19.00-19.30. The livestream link is:

Click here for the full Novena St Joseph